The Environment And Animals Deserve More Than Just 3% Of Our Charitable Giving

Food & Drink

Depending upon who you know and where you live in the U.S., you may or may not be surprised to learn that religious causes are the single biggest category of donation recipients by far, accepting 28% of charitable donations made in the year 2020. Education and human services aren’t far behind, accounting for a total of 29% of philanthropic dollars. While the importance of these issues is self-evident, and increased funding to any and all of them would be a good thing, it’s alarming that the environment and animal welfare are supported at such a disproportionate rate, receiving just 3% of Americans’ overall charitable gifts.

But if we don’t have a liveable planet, there won’t be anyone left to help. Environmentalism is no longer a fringe issue, and we can’t afford to treat it as such. We could be as close as seven years away from what climate scientists call the “point of no return,” and humankind is already feeling the effects of a depleted planet—just look at the fatally cold weather Texans were subjected to this winter. There are parts of the United States in which it’s already difficult or impossible to secure warm shelter and clean water, and without drastic action it’s only going to get worse.

The lack of perceived urgency is a huge problem. For years, American environmentalism was a bipartisan cause, stemming from a cultural appreciation for the natural beauty of the Americas, as expressed by figures like Theodore Roosevelt. It wasn’t until the 1980s—when environmental protections began to clash with the Regan administration’s ideology of extreme, deregulated capitalism—that it became a divisive issue. We need to reverse this. Not by going back to a time when Americans loved their land for chiefly aesthetic reasons, but by realizing that, like it or not, we’re all ultimately on the same side here. The effects of climate change are disproportionately affecting marginalized communities right now, which is more than enough reason to act swiftly and decisively. But even for those who are concerned only with their own self-interest, it should be obvious that things are dire. Soon enough, this crisis is going to affect everyone on Earth.

As climate change wreaks havoc on us, we humans are wreaking havoc on animals. Consider that in the U.S. 9 billion land animals—cows, chickens, pigs, etc.—are slaughtered annually for food. (Not to mention the impact industrial animal agriculture has on environmental issues like biodiversity loss, natural resource depletion, and deforestation.) There are over 7 million dogs and cats in need of homes, and 300 million animals are suffering through cruel experiments in labs. Increasing funding to charities working on these issues could potentially save or vastly improve the lives of countless animals.

For those who are interested in stretching their philanthropic dollars as far as possible, there are a number of charity evaluators that can help. Giving Green evaluates and recommends the most promising environmental charities in terms of their effectiveness in fighting climate change, and so too does Animal Charity Evaluators with regard to animal protection groups. With so few dollars going to charitable causes, it’s crucial that we allocate them wisely.

Those of us who are fortunate enough to have money to donate in this trying time should consider this Giving Tuesday how we can ensure that every cause gets its fair share. That includes protecting our planet and all those who inhabit it. Our very existence depends on it.

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