Deliciously Porky Korean Hangover Soup in Seoul (Haejangguk 해장국)

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Seoul, South Korea, is a paradise for anyone that enjoys food. When I was visiting I couldn’t get over just how good and how plentiful the food was.

One thing I really wanted to try was a locally popular dish known as Haejangguk 해장국, or in English known simply as Hangover Soup.

There are many variations of Korean hangover soup, but one thing is certain it will be meaty! The version I got came in a scorching earthenware pot boiling full of luscious soup and the main attractions which was a big hunk of falling-apart tender pork.

The blended flavors were incredible as were the miraculous chunks huge chunks of pork that slid off the bone with ease.

I was in pork heaven.

Korean hangover stew, as the name suggests, is a popular way to fight a hangover. While I can’t testify to the correctness of curing a hangover, I can tell you that after eating the bowl of Haejangguk in Korea, it surely gave me a food hangover! All I really wanted to do after that meal was just lay down and take a nap!

Anyway, if you ever go to South Korea and enjoy meat, be sure to get a bowl of Korean hangover soup!


This video contains royalty free music by Kevin MacLeod.

The track used in this video is called “Future Gladiator.” Here is a direct download to the song:

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I used this song royalty free under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. The video includes attribution to the producer of the music.

Thank your for watching!

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