Food & Drink

Often these days, when an alcohol brand is looking to launch a new product line, they will roll out a marketing campaign that focuses on their key demographic—usually, young Millennials. To reach them, they will work with social media influencers that closely resemble their target customer. It’s a tried and true program that, while garnering
Because you need an official holiday to drink pink! Officially known as Fête Nationale Française or French National Day, but more commonly called Bastille Day, July 14 is the anniversary of the 1789 Storming of the Bastille, a major act of the French Revolution. It was an early first victory of the people of Paris
Last month the Indoor Agtech Innovation Summit was held in New York City. It featured the technologies and businesses associated with “Controlled Environment Agriculture,” or CEA which includes everything from greenhouses that still utilize sunlight to “vertical farms” that are completely independent of the outdoor environment. The CEA sector has drawn a great deal of
Each time one reads an article about what founder and CEO Sam Polk is trying to accomplish with Everytable, his inexpensively-priced take-out food outlet, he’s portrayed as an entrepreneur driven by a mission, more than profit. Everytable is known for introducing inexpensive prepared meals to Los Angeles, and charging different prices based on the customer’s
Picnic Works recently expanded its partnership with Chartwells Higher Education to expand its footprint to several college campuses. This expansion follows a successful pilot program at Texas A&M and the University of Chicago, and it could have broad implications for the future of foodservice in general. That’s because it so far proves the success of
Topline Federal Reserve officials reaffirmed their commitment to fighting inflation with big rate hikes and pledged to use “more restrictive policy” as needed, especially amid “significant risk” that high consumer prices could become “entrenched” for longer, according to the minutes from the central bank’s latest policy meeting. Key Facts The Federal Reserve doubled down on